Fixing Element Styling Issues in Safari with ::-webkit-full-page-media, :future, :root


a blue and white compass on a blue background

If you've ever tried to style a <select> dropdown in Safari, you know how frustrating it can be. Despite using all the right CSS properties, Safari can sometimes ignore your styles, rendering form controls with its default UI. This is particularly true for <select> elements, where customizations like background colors, borders, or font styles might not take effect.

Recently, I faced this exact issue with the <select> element in Safari. No matter what CSS I applied, it felt like Safari was stubbornly sticking to its own styles, leaving me with an inconsistent UI. After some digging, I came across a rather unusual CSS selector that seemed to fix the problem: ::-webkit-full-page-media, :future, :root. It was one of those “aha!” moments where everything just clicked.

In this post, I’ll explain what this selector is, how it works, and why it’s a lifesaver when dealing with <select> styling in Safari.

The Problem: Safari's Default <select> Styling

Safari, like many WebKit-based browsers, applies its own default styles to form elements like <select>. This means that when you try to style them with CSS (whether it’s changing the background, border, or font), Safari often overrides your styles and renders the dropdown with its native appearance.

This default styling can make your form controls look inconsistent, especially when you’re trying to match your website’s overall design. Even though you might try to remove the default appearance using -webkit-appearance: none;, Safari might still apply its own look, leaving your design looking out of place.

The Solution: ::-webkit-full-page-media, :future, :root

To solve this issue, I came across a CSS selector hack that targets Safari's quirks and forces it to apply my custom styles to the <select> element. The selector is:

::-webkit-full-page-media, :future, :root

At first glance, this might seem like a random combination of selectors, but it works by triggering Safari's internal rendering mechanisms to apply custom styles to form controls like <select>. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the selector does:

  1. _ – The underscore is a "hacky" selector that targets specific behavior in older WebKit browsers. It's used to target quirks in Safari's rendering engine that might be preventing the styles from applying correctly.
  2. ::-webkit-full-page-media – This is a WebKit-specific pseudo-element that is used in Safari to force the rendering engine to apply custom styles to elements that typically don’t respond to traditional styling. It’s part of the trick that gets Safari to behave.
  3. _:future – This selector applies styles to elements in situations where future rendering or newly-created elements are involved. It helps trigger the styling behavior you want in Safari.
  4. :root – This is the standard CSS pseudo-class that targets the root <html> element. It’s used here to apply the styles globally to your document.

When you combine these three parts, it gives you a selector that forces Safari to apply the styles you want to the <select> element, overriding its default behavior.

How to Use It

Here’s how I used this selector to fix the <select> element styling in Safari:

::-webkit-full-page-media, :future, :root { 
 -webkit-appearance: none;  
 background-color: #fff; 
 border: 1px solid #ccc; 
 padding: 5px 10px; 
 font-size: 16px; 
 font-family: Arial, sans-serif; 
select {
 width: 200px; 
 height: 40px; 
  • -webkit-appearance: none;: This removes the default Safari dropdown arrow and other styles that are applied to <select>.
  • Custom styles: I applied a custom background color, border, font, and padding to ensure the <select> dropdown matches the rest of my design.
  • Additional styles: The select tag itself can have extra properties like width and height to control the size of the dropdown.

Why Does This Work?

The reason this selector works is because it specifically targets Safari’s rendering quirks. WebKit browsers, like Safari, often apply their own styles to form controls, and using this selector helps "break" that default behavior by triggering Safari to apply your custom styles instead.

This CSS trick essentially forces Safari to prioritize your styles for the <select> element, overriding its default UI and giving you the control you need to create a consistent design across browsers.

Things to Keep in Mind

While this selector is a useful hack, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Browser Compatibility: This is a Safari-specific fix, so if your users are using other browsers, they shouldn’t be affected. However, you may need to implement additional styles for non-Safari browsers to ensure consistency.
  • Maintainability: As with any browser-specific hack, there’s always a risk that it might break in future versions of the browser. Be sure to test your site after any updates to Safari and other WebKit-based browsers.
  • User Experience: While it’s tempting to override the default styling, make sure you’re not sacrificing usability. Safari’s default dropdown might be more familiar to some users, so consider whether your custom design provides the best user experience.


Styling <select> elements in Safari can be a frustrating task, especially when the browser ignores your custom styles. By using the ::-webkit-full-page-media, :future, :root selector, I was able to bypass Safari's stubborn default styles and apply my custom design to the <select> dropdown. While this hack isn’t a perfect solution, it definitely helped me regain control over the styling and create a more consistent look across browsers.

As always, it’s important to test across multiple browsers and devices to ensure your styles are applied correctly. And while browser-specific hacks like this one can be helpful, it’s always a good idea to stay up to date with browser updates and be prepared for any changes that might affect your code.